September 9, 2020 09:11
September 6, 2020 21:57
September 6, 2020 21:54
September 6, 2020 09:54
September 5, 2020 22:11
September 4, 2020 19:42
okay I’m gonna try not to spam y’all with these asks, but also replying to all this random crap has been the most fun I’ve had with my blog for a while XD so thanks for entertaining me~ also sorry to everyone with legit questions OTL
September 4, 2020 19:17
In WA we use buns, but I used to live in NSW and miss the sliced bread, it was better than the buns 😔
huh, interesting :O yeah I’m sure buns are fine but they seem somehow…fancy? at least in comparison to the cheap ass bread to compliment the cheap sausage
September 4, 2020 19:15
idk what that other anon is on👀👀 pigs in a blanket are absolutely little hot dogs or sausages wrapped in dough, usually puff pastry !!!
I think it might be a regional thing :O some places it means a sausage in bacon. Good to know I guessed right though XD
September 4, 2020 19:10
You ever butter your white bread to make it certainly not a food?
ooof that makes my stomach hurt just thinking about that…not unless it’s for a sandwich with VERY DRY ingredients
September 4, 2020 19:04
I just realized I never actually bothered to figure out how to pronounce your url so I just call you chi-chi in my head
OH THAT’S CUTE. I approve
yeaahhhh don’t think about it too hard, I came up with the name when I was like 12 and never changed it in 14 years OTL so that’s my bad for not trying to think of something better
mmm mad cause I don’t wanna show any of my new pins until I can actually make them >:| so instead got a bunch of the teeny ratchet and clank style tests