April 21, 2013 22:01
April 20, 2013 20:19
April 18, 2013 21:57
April 17, 2013 22:57
Oh yeaaah, I got my other R&C screen print up on the wall last week~
Now my room is ULTRA FANCY!!
…also, you can’t see it in the picture, but it’s right over the head of my bed…I don’t know how I thought that was a good idea :| turns out that it’s somewhat hard to sleep with a giant glowing head above you…
still cool though :D
I also finished printing off all the gift/trade/fan art that people have made me :3 Yaaay~
Now I officially have no wall space left~ Hurray! And I get to see all that awesome work when I wake up~ :D
As a note, the placement on the wall correlates to when it was printed, the printers at Officeworks kept screwing up so I had to print them in several batches…just getting in there in case. And if you’ve drawn me something and you can’t see it, it probably means that I haven’t seen it or I don’t have it saved ^^’
April 17, 2013 22:05
April 12, 2013 22:49
April 12, 2013 22:44
April 10, 2013 21:02
April 9, 2013 13:21
PFFFFFT, My Monster Volume from CreatureBox just came in~
oh man, even the box it came in looks awesome ; _____ ; urrf, I would like to sit here all day admiring every page but I lots of coding to do…can’t wait to get those prints on my wall~ well, once I find a wall with some space :|
Heh, for once my dogs barking at the door was a good thing, I couldn’t hear the delivery man at the door and I didn’t have my tracking info so I had no idea it was even coming, I only checked the door cause they wouldn’t shut up XD
April 7, 2013 15:09
UV mapping stuff for an assignment was making my head sad…so I goofed off and made a quick house for Astrid :D