July 24, 2013 19:08
July 20, 2013 21:52
I got a copy of R&C:ToD the other day (I never got the first two PS3 ones) and I’ve been playing it a bunch…my left thumb is all sore cause I remapped the controls so I wouldn’t have to do the stupid controller tilty stuff ; ____ ; and whichever finger I use to strafe also hurts…but I can’t remember which cause they all do…
…why did I do this to my hands right before Uni starts OTL now I can only use a keyboard with my right hand…
July 19, 2013 14:41
Anonymous: Took me a while to realize that your whole username is Chickin lickin but without the k's. x3
Hehe, a lot of people don’t pick up on that XD I mention it in my ID on dA, except with chicken licken :D but I like it better with the i’s~ …and no k’s :|
July 19, 2013 08:56
July 17, 2013 22:15
My brother came to the realisation that he will never be manga.
July 17, 2013 17:25
July 17, 2013 17:22
…why am I drawing stuff OTL I promised myself I wouldn’t draw this week so that my arm could rest…
Actually on that note, I have a fair few style requests in my inbox but I don’t know how soon I can actually get to them ; ___ ; I can either leave them for a while, or I can do the drawings for them but they’ll only be a sketch (maybe with some colours thrown on).
Would people still be interested in seeing them even if they were just sketches? I could probably finish them later…but not for a while.
July 17, 2013 17:14
Some concept stuff for class…URRRGHGH…I don’t know what colours I want any more ; _____ ; I wanted it to be the first one…now I kind of like the purple ones…and the last one…I don’t even know if I can use this design or the stuff I should have in it OTL