December 14, 2012 21:54
December 14, 2012 21:42
December 14, 2012 21:38
December 14, 2012 21:34
December 14, 2012 21:15
December 14, 2012 21:08
Pffft, I’ve done that thing again where I forget to upload stuff and I end up with a huge bank up of stuff that I should upload :| …but pretty much all of it is fanart of people’s OCs ^^’ I’ll put them all up in a minute…
Oh, and I framed my R&C screenprint and artwork from Lurking-Leanne the other day~
…I feel really bad having them sit in ikea frames ; ____ ; don’t worry, you’ll both have nice fancy frames when I’m not trying to save money…
December 9, 2012 13:26
Ahahahaha~ *flails everywhere*
My Ratchet & Clank screen print came in today~ :D it looks awesome…but I don’t want to wreck it so I haven’t properly unrolled it yet (I’ve looked at it twice and it already has dog fur on it >_> don’t know how I managed that). But I’ll put up a photo once I get it framed :3
December 6, 2012 15:02
December 6, 2012 14:47
Yay~ my prizes from Lurking-Leanne came in today~:D (I placed 2nd in her contest a while back with this)
…but everything got a bit squished :( still awesome though~:3
You can see the full picture by Lurking-Leanne here. Heh, I think I’ve almost got the bend out of it ^^’ it’s been under some books for a few hours…
Lurking-Leanne’s OC Bettilena and Ace Hardlight from R&C~ …might try scanning in these again, my scanner ate up the light colours ; ___ ;