November 1, 2013 22:42
November 1, 2013 20:59
November 1, 2013 20:34
October 31, 2013 21:27
October 31, 2013 21:15
October 31, 2013 17:23
October 31, 2013 10:39
I ended up setting up an account with Redbubble :D there’s nothing there yet though…
Now I was wondering if there are any pictures I’ve put up here or on dA that anyone would like to see as a print, shirt or sticker :3 So if there’s something you’d like or something you’d be interested in seeing new things of then just reply or send me a message in any way XD
Oh and I won’t be uploading any fanart unless it is one of my parody things (Magical Portal, The Orvus Scrolls etc.) or a gijinka. I also won’t upload anything where the character belongs to someone else (unless that person wants it to be available).
October 29, 2013 19:59
October 29, 2013 17:42
Oh! I just remembered. I’ve been wanting to set up a store where I can sell shirts/prints/etc. for a while now, but I’m not sure which site to go with :O
So I was wondering if anyone has used Society6, Redbubble or Spreadshirt for buying or selling stuff, or if there’s a site you have use that you could recommend :| I didn’t want to set up a shop and then have it turn out that they do really low quality work or have low shares of money for artists…
If anyone could give their opinions I would really appreciate it ; ____ ;
October 29, 2013 17:23
quick little picture of wizard Pollyx :| cause I don’t know…I’m tired…
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I can add Pollyx to my list of characters to Skyrim-ify :O then he can be a legit wizard!
also I couldn’t think of how to give him melee ability .___. except that he hits things with with his magic stick maybe