September 2, 2020 18:15
I’ve actually been working on a DIY foil print guide! for things like this-
it might be a bit before I can finish it though…because it requires me buying a new printer OTL my printer broke since last time I made prints
September 2, 2020 18:12
Hate to correct you on your own url, ma'am, but /clearly/ it's pronounced ch-eye-sin lice-in
…i-is this Amy? if it is I’ll fight you >:| if not then carry on
September 2, 2020 17:34
September 2, 2020 16:44
Home depot sucks good on australia. Give yourselves a high five
Good to hear, wouldn’t think we’re missing out on anything as we have Bunnings, where I can acquire both hardware AND a sausage in bread. Immediately making it superior.
September 2, 2020 15:52
Eat the plants at home Depot
…I live in Australia there ain’t no Home Depot here
September 2, 2020 13:43
Hello! I’ve been an admirer of your art for a while now, especially your colors—your ability to blend different hues but keep things harmonious is like magic to me! I was wondering if you’d be willing to post another speed paint video of some of your more recent art? I’ve read through your color tutorials, and was hoping to see you in action
AHH THANK YOU!! I’ve actually got a few more recent recordings I’ve never gotten around to uploading, so I might see if I can get them up some time!
I have a habit of not starting recordings until after I do colour plans though OTL so only 1 of them shows picking colours…next time I’ll have to record from the start XD or maybe make one that focuses on the colour part.
September 2, 2020 12:03
i hope it’s cool to ask about the process video: What is it you are doing when you color in BEFORE doing the lineart? Also, what is the tenchique you use to color line art? (or I guess rule? Like i notice some of the lineart remains black while some areas are colored)
OH! that’s a colour plan, sometimes I’ll just wing it with colours, other times I rough it out in PS because it has more colour adjustment options than when I finish up in SAI.
The full steps for Eda’s plan were, model colour blocking, colour overlay, and adjust the levels!
For lines I’ll either lock opacity/transparency, or make a new layer and clip/mask it to the lines when colouring. Uhh there’s no rule, on Eda there are actually bits I missed that I’d normally colour XD but usually I’ll colour inner lines and leave outer lines darker. or if the spot needs to stand out or is in shadow.
August 30, 2020 22:04
August 25, 2020 22:26
August 24, 2020 21:49
Hello! I really like the goldfoil on your art! Do you have any tips on how to print goldfoil or where one should get it printed?